Health Screening Questions

Below you will find the exact questions that would disqualify your camper from attending camp.

Please “self-assess” to avoid a long drive to camp that might end in disappointment upon arrival. If you have any questions about whether or not it is wise for your child to attend camp, or if they might not be admitted, please call Nurse Karen at 936.435.5177 or send an email to



  1. Have you been diagnosed with COVID or any other contagious illness within the last 2 weeks?   YES/NO  (If yes, use discretion to determine if they should attend camp or call nurse.) 
  2. Have you been in close contact with a person with a known diagnosis of COVID-19, influenza, or any other communicable illness in the past week?  YES/NO  (If yes, not permitted to attend camp.) 
  3. Has the camper OR ANYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSEHOLD had any symptoms within the past week that might indicate a contagious illness such as:
  • Fever or temp > 100.0F
  • Cough (dry or wet)
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Sore throat, runny nose, or congestion
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Significant fatigue
  • Headache or muscle pain

(Yes answers should be evaluated on sound judgment to determine if the symptoms may warrant not attending camp.  If unable to determine, you may call our nurse, Karen, at 936.435.5177.)

4.  Have you been around anyone with lice or have you had lice within the last 3 months?

(If yes, please perform a lice check and be sure they do not have lice.  If they do, then they can not attend camp at this time.)

5.  Do you have any injuries such as a bruise, cuts, blisters, or a sunburn that we should know about?  Or maybe twisted an ankle or had a bump on the head recently? 

(If any of the above are noted, or other injuries, please document them so that we may know how the camper arrived and that an injury wasn’t sustained while at camp.)